Import-export operations

Detailed information

For the attention of all legal and natural persons (individual entrepreneurs).

Guided by the Rules of "Conducting Foreign Currency Transactions of Residents and Non-Residents of the Republic of Azerbaijan" and "Regulation of Import-Export Transactions in the Republic of Azerbaijan", we inform you that when payment is made by advance payment, the Freight confirming the import of goods into the country for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of payment The Customs Declaration or document confirming the provision of imported services (deed, etc.) must be submitted to the Bank. During that period, if the goods are not imported, the services are not provided, or the pre-paid amount is not returned, in other words, if the documents confirming the transactions (Cargo Customs Declaration, act, etc.) are not submitted to the Bank, the Bank will withdraw all documents related to the pre-payment transaction in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is submitted to the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan within 5 (five) working days for the implementation of responsibility measures provided for in Article 430.4.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that with the Decree No. 1233 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 10, 2017, the Rules "Regulation of import-export operations in the Republic of Azerbaijan" ( have been updated and according to these rules the export of goods (works, services) by way of consignment by legal and natural persons (individual entrepreneurs) is carried out by declaration in the customs authorities. In exchange for the exported goods, it must be ensured that the funds are transferred to your account in the Bank within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the day of their declaration, and the number of the Cargo Customs Declaration for this export is given to the Bank.